Report quickly, check out correctly
Check inventory instantly
Manage remotely right on the smart phone
Automatically update shipping status
Offer full features
Manage comprehensively sale in the shop and the whole chain
Save time
boost service quality
Easy to consult, introduce items with digital catalogue.
Instantly check inventory.
Check out exactly
Calculate quickly and exactly with bar code.
Automatically apply multiple promotion types: discount by item, bill, buy X offer Y, voucher,etc
Save time, support multiple payment methods
Integrate with e-payment method like MOMO, Viettel Pay.
Manage pay-ins closely, avoid losing money.
Manage return, exchange and delivery of items.
Manage shift, automatically create report in shift.
Manage remotely effectively
Check sales instantly on smartphones and tablets.
Easy to check, control loss and fraudulence upon sale.
Manage the whole chain with more than 40 reports on sales, costs, profit/loss, inventory,…
Manage items, storehouse, purchase, promotion, debt, Pay-in/Pay-out, staff, customer.
Manage items with bar codes
Easily update product information, image, price by color, size, and material,etc
Automatically organize items by type, category, sex, age Support printing label.
Actively control inventory
Control stock transfer among storehouses in the chain.
Manage inventory under minimum level.
Track stock receipt, issue, inventory, checking by color and size,etc
Manage purchase
Track and summarize quantity of items which need purchasing of the whole chain.
Manage order and track supplier debt.
Manage promotion
Manage vouchers and gift cards.
Support multiple types of promotion: offer item, discount by item, by bill, buy M offer N, voucher, gift cards, etc.
Increase sales with sms marketing
Create messages quickly and easily.
Easily send gift codes, birthday message by customer category.
Connect with accounting software sme, electronic invoice software meinvoice
Easily exchange data with the accounting software, save time from entering data on both software.
Quickly issue e-invoices for the customer right on MShopKeeper.
Manage customer
Update the customer information: address, phone number, date of birth,etc
Manage customer debt.
Manage staff
Track performance of each staff.
Assign roles, manage the staff profile.
Manage chain
More than 40 reports on sales, costs, profit/loss, inventory in the whole chain.
Manage items, inventory, purchase, promotion, customer in the whole chain.